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  1. (with J. Roberts)  Hilbert modular Eisenstein congruences of local originArxiv.

  2. (with J. Bober, G. Kopp, L. Du and T. Wooley) On 2-superirreducible polynomials over finite fieldsArxiv. To appear in Indagationes Mathematicae.

  3. (with J. Roberts)  Symmetric bilinear forms, superalgebras and integer matrix factorization. Linear Algebra and its Applications, Vol 700, p.61-79 (2024). Arxiv.

  4. (with J. Roberts) Newform Eisenstein congruences of local origin. Ramanujan Journal, Vol 64, Issue 2, p.505–527 (2024). Arxiv.

  5. (with E. Assaf, C. Ingalls, A. Logan, S. Secord and J. Voight) Definite orthogonal modular forms: Computations, Excursions and Discoveries. Proceedings of ANTS XV, Research in Number Theory, Vol 8, Issue 4 (2022). Arxiv.

  6. (with M. Balazs and J. Jay) Interacting particle systems and Jacobi style identities. Research in the Mathematical Sciences, Vol 9, Issue 3 (2022). Arxiv.

  7. (with N. Dummigan) Automorphic forms for some even unimodular latticesAbh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg, Vol 91, Issue 1, p.29-67 (2021). Supplementary dataArxiv.

  8. (with L. Walling) Hecke operators on Hilbert-Siegel theta series. International Journal of Number Theory, Vol 17, Issue 9, p.1965-1996 (2021). Arxiv.

  9. (with J. Bober, G. Martin and T. Wooley) Smooth values of polynomials. Journal of the Australian Maths Society, Vol 108, Issue 2, p.245-261 (2020). Arxiv.

  10. Generic level p Eisenstein congruences for GSp4. Journal of Number Theory, Vol 180, p.673-693 (2017). Arxiv.

  11. Genus 2 paramodular Eisenstein CongruencesRamanujan Journal, Vol 46, Issue 2, p.447-473 (2017). Arxiv.

  12. (with N. Dummigan) Ramanujan-style congruences of local origin. Journal of Number Theory, Vol 143, p.248-261 (2014).

In preparation:
  1. (with E. Assaf, C. Ingalls, A. Logan, S. Secord and J. Voight) Orthogonal Modular Forms attached to Quaternary Lattices.

  2. (with M. Balázs and J. Jay) Interacting Particle Systems, Lattice Paths, Generalised Frobenius Partitions and Linear Codes.

  3. (with N. Gillespie and B. Naskrecki) Equiangular lines and an elliptic surface.

Past/present PhD students:
  • Jenny Roberts (University of Bristol, 2021-present)

  • Giovanna De Lauri (Lancaster University, 2023-present)

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